zondag 9 augustus 2020

A Bit of Frisian Wisdom

Frisian is the second official language of the Netherlands and I thought it fun to use the many traditional Frisian sayings as the inspiration for a quick illustration. The original saying is, "Foar de kofje net eamelje", which translates (very) roughly as, "Don't bother me before I've had my morning coffee."

 I've gone one step further - "Ek nei de kofje, net eamelje" -  "And don't bother me after my coffee, either!"


woensdag 5 augustus 2020

A Tribute to Suske and Wiske
A bit of a tribute to Willy Vandersteen's "Suske and Wiske" characters, also known in English as "Spike and Suzie". Drawn in my own style, just for fun!