Walking/Crawling on Sunshine
"OH, TO BE SURE, IT WAS IN NEW CASTLE", recalled Milton Swanneck during his supper, "on the High Street, when I was just a lad. On the one side you had a shoe repair place - I think they also made keys and sharpened knives and skates and the like - and on the other side, there sat a florists. And smack-dab in the middle was the butchers. The name? No - I've forgotten that, but that butcher shop had the loveliest bit of linoleum flooring I've ever seen.
"It was proper linoleum, made of linseed, and had a rugged burlap backing. Never saw the shop or the floor more than that one time, but certainly - it made a lasting impression I don't think will ever fade from my memory. It was perfection."